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Reasons for the Mets slump...

This afternoon in Cincinnati, Orlando Cabrera homered in the 10th inning to give the Reds an walk off victory against the Mets.

The Mets played a gritty game but in the end it was the Reds who were celebrating at home plate.

What the hell happened to the Mets?
When April ended they were the hottest team in baseball... stunning everyone with a 10-1 stretch to end the month... including a whuppin of the Phillies.

May arrived? They are 1-4... and if not for a 9th inning rally last night they would be winless.
And they've lost in all kinds of ways. Blow outs, letting up walk off homers and seeing their ace Santana implode of national TV.

My cousin Dave blames me for jinxing them when I credited my rocker friend Jaime Fallon
with cheering the Mets to victory.

Of course Jaime couldn't make the trip to Philadelphia and Cincinnati, so maybe her lack of support could be the culprit.

Maybe it has to do with the fact that the Mets just aren't very good.
I thought this was a 100 loss team going into the season... which means I expected them to win 62 times.

Maybe they are getting their wins out of the way now.

Either way, I still think it will be a long long year in Queens, no matter how hard Jaime cheers.

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